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City of Maize "Where Community Counts"


  • City Engineer

    p. 316.722.7561

    10100 W Grady Ave.
    P.O. Box 245
    Maize, KS 67101


The City of Maize Engineering Department is located at City Hall. Engineering is responsible for the design and inspection of all new streets, curb cuts, sidewalks, and approaches to driveways, sewer systems (sanitary and storm), water mains, makes inspections for street and also reviews and approves construction plans for major city projects and new subdivisions, which have been prepared by consulting engineers. The Engineering Department also acts as a liaison between the City, State and Federal agencies. If you have any questions or comments regarding this site please contact Engineering at 316-722-7561.

Other Engineering responsibilities include:

  • Sewer & Paving Projects
  • Traffic Studies & Street Design
  • Water Distribution Design
  • Sanitary Sewer Collection Design
  • Storm Sewer Collection Design
  • Coordinate Consultants
  • Construction Observation
  • Right-of-Way Issues

Construction Standards & Specifications

FEMA Floodplain Map

FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps

City of Maize
Through the integration of its population into every aspect of quality education, civic improvements, community appearance, commerce and recreation, Maize shall preserve its small town atmosphere and become the best small city in Kansas.

"Where Community Counts"